Sunday, December 6, 2009

Bye Bye Tooth Brush!

So how do i begin this story. One night Callie wanted to brush her teeth which is fine. I am all for having her brush her teeth especially with the amount of chocolates and sweets she eats. So she shows me how a big girl brushes her teeth. Then because she sees mommy and daddy spit out their tooth paste, she does the same thing over the toilet. What does she do next, she puts her tooth brush into the toilet and then back in her mouth. I was so grossed out, i was gaging. Needless to say her tooth brush went Bye Bye! No child of mine will put a tooth brush from the toilet back into her mouth.





  1. LOVE it! Wait til she pics up already chewed gum and eats it! Good times!

  2. Um, she's already done that too!
