Saturday, December 26, 2009

Wheee Fun!

So Taylor and Ayden got a new Wii and a few games. The sports games are good harmless fun. Harmless until the competitive streak in the family rears its ugly head. Even Callie got in on the fun.


The Baseball game was especially liked by the girls. Yes I lost to girls, but I find solace in the fact that each of them were in pain the next morning...




Sunday, December 20, 2009

Fun with Baking

OK. Jeff here.. I am really slow on this whole blogging thing. I figured it was my turn. We have had a few busy weeks with friends and family, and a few more to come. With winter here evenings are pretty much a bust after we get home from work. It is too dark and cold to be outside so we have to find other things to do.

Mommy and Callie mixed up some cookies. I snapped a few pics of the waiting part. Now that I fixed the light in the stove Callie can watch what is going on.

Then comes the after part where she is all wired up on the chocolate and sugar.

I snapped a few other pics that I liked...


She was stretching to wash her hands in the sink while standing on her tippytoes. I had to take a pic of her feet..


And the two silly girls playing on the kitchen floor.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Soups i've been making

thought i'd share some soups i've been making for our lunches as they've been pretty good.

This one was a Mexican Soup w/ Shrimp.


A curry red lentil soup. This one was my favorite.



My family came down this weekend as my grandparents were making the big move to Kitchener. I hadn't seen my nephew or sister since August.



Places to hide....

We built a fort in the basement and of course Callie loved it. We seem to build a fort everyday! She's also into these glow sticks that you can either buy at the dollar store or Michaels. The ones from Michaels are so much better.



What's better than building a fort? Eating a freezie in a fort. :D




Sunday, December 6, 2009

Bye Bye Tooth Brush!

So how do i begin this story. One night Callie wanted to brush her teeth which is fine. I am all for having her brush her teeth especially with the amount of chocolates and sweets she eats. So she shows me how a big girl brushes her teeth. Then because she sees mommy and daddy spit out their tooth paste, she does the same thing over the toilet. What does she do next, she puts her tooth brush into the toilet and then back in her mouth. I was so grossed out, i was gaging. Needless to say her tooth brush went Bye Bye! No child of mine will put a tooth brush from the toilet back into her mouth.




Callie's visit with grandma and granpda

Jeff's parents came over for dinner last week and Callie got to have a nice visit with grandma and grandpa. Everything was grandma do it! :-D


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Rain, rain, and more rain

Now that Callie has her new winter boots, she loves splashing in the rain. Especially since it keeps her feet warm and dry!

This one is blurry as i was getting her mid jump.


Oh Daddy!

Callie and daddy were watching TV, most likely Nemo after dinner. It is becoming harder to get Callie to smile for the camera, so daddy decided to tickle her to get her to smile!

See no smile with mommy.